Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've Got Nothing to Say

I have been struggling for the past few days trying to figure out what I should write about on here. Not a lot has come to my mind. I have been keeping super busy though. Still working my Manboy buns off to get my advertising portfolio right to where I want it to be. I don't want to just give up since I have an internship already lined up. I have found something I am so passionate about that I am willing to work hard on all the time, even though I could coast if I wanted to. Did you know I have a website for my portfolio? I have a link on my site that takes you to this blog but I don't think I have ever mentioned my site on here before. Here it is, I just wanted to make sure you two knew about each other. If you already knew about my site there are some new things on there, like the Internet Explorer 9 campaign. Enjoy.

Here is something to write about: baseball. Baseball is a beautiful thing. I was born and raised in Southern California (anyone from there knows that you should never call it SOCAL, yuck!). Anyways, I have always been an Angels fan. They are a pretty legit team. ESPN Magazine ranked them #1 for getting bang for your buck the other year. Meaning, for how much the average ticket costs, you get the most out of them for how many times they win, the whole ballpark experience, and they even factored in food prices. Plus, we have Albert Pujols now, so that is going to be awesome. Unfortunately, I am convinced that the Angels have placed a curse on themselves. The curse of the name change.

The Angels started out as just the Los Angeles Angels. A little redundant for a city that literally means "the angels." Back when they first started in the early 60s, they were playing in a Los Angeles stadium. So, nothing wrong with that name. Then in '65, they became the California Angels and shortly after moved to Orange County (Anaheim). Sure why not? Back then there weren't a whole lot of California teams in the MLB. Why not have the best part of Southern California represent the whole state? Then Disney took over gave them awful uniforms and renamed them the Anaheim Angels. Fair enough, it is actually where they are located. This was probably the best name for them. They won the World Series with this name. Then something stupid happened. In 2005 they were renamed the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Now that doesn't make sense. Anaheim isn't in LA County. I believe this new owner and his crazy name change put a curse on them. I am convinced the Angels won't win another World Series until they change their name back to the Anaheim Angels.

Sorry if I bored you but if you hear "the curse of the name change" 50 years from now on Sports Center, know that you heard it hear first. Well, moving to Chicago, I guess I should get used to curses. Because the Cubs have gone 103 seasons without winning a World Series. I am really excited to spend a lot of time at Wrigley Field when we move out there. And maybe with a little bit of luck I can be there when the curse is broken. Up until a few weeks ago I could only imagine what that would be like. Thanks to the following commercial I have a better idea of how mind blowing it would be.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Questions of the Soul

I enjoy pondering. I like to ask questions. For example, how come Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Miniatures taste so much better than the regular sized ones? You know, questions of the soul. The following are some questions that might blow your mind. I am still picking up the smithereens (yeah, smithereens, what a great word...) Anyway, I am still picking them up of my own brain after asking myself these questions...

How come America is the only country with tornadoes? Seriously, when was the last time you heard about a tornado ripping apart some houses in Italy? How did we get stuck with these disasters? This is why I love California. No tornadoes. All we have to worry about out there is earthquakes, tsunamis, shark attacks, drought, and wildfires.

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats and not parachutes? I am willing to bet anything there a lot more people on planes that don't know how to fly than don't know how to swim. A majority of this country's flights don't even travel over large bodies of water anyways. Not to mention, the chances of you surviving a plane crash in the middle of an ocean are probably very slim. It really only happens if you're Tom Hanks and your about to make a two hour and twenty minute movie about becoming besties with a volleyball.

Why do we sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" when we are already at one? Seems kind of redundant. Another sports question (because I am such an athletic jock): why do they call them stands when they are made for sitting? I am sure there is some historical answer that I imagine an old man answering something like this, "Back in my day they didn't have seats in the stands at sporting events so you had to stand, like a poor person." Oh, did I mention this imaginary old man is an elitist?

Well, that's all I can think for right now. I'll let you know if any more ponderous thoughts creep into my brain.

Laters skaters.