What if I wrote down every thought I had? It took me a couple tries to type the word "thought" in that last sentence so I just thought, "Wow, I really can't type today." Now I'm thinking this kind of a blog post might be a mistake. No one cares what I'm thinking. But how do I know that? I keep a majority of my thoughts to myself. What if my thoughts are simply fascinating and the world is just dying to hear what I am thinking.
Someone just walked by with pizza and its smell made me think of how badly I want to eat food right now. My internship is really awesome because so far I've only had to pay for lunch one time a week. There is always some meeting on some floor in this building that is catered and its never all eaten. So some genius good Samaritan created a Facebook group for all employees to post on when there is food on their floor so the rest of us can share in the spoils. There have been no posts today so I am sad and my stomach is calling me bad names.
I think a lot about food. Why is food so good? Well, let me rephrase that. Why is good food so good? Cereal is a great food. Pizza, most the time, good. Cheeseburgers, hard to make a not-good cheeseburger. Gosh, I want a cheeseburger. I miss In-N-Out.
Let's talk about In-N-Out, because I'm thinking about it. In-N-Out has the best burger in the world. That isn't a thought, that's a fact. Everyone, all 4 of you (up one reader woohoo!) who just read that and think otherwise, you're wrong, and you smell. I think the most common retort to In-N-Out being the best is Five Guys. While they have great tasting burgers they still aren't as glorious as In-N-Out's. "But their fries are so much better!" That's nice, but we're not talking about fries sweetheart. Plus, I find it a little ridiculous and borderline unconstitutional that I should pay over $10 for a double cheeseburger meal. I also find the word "ridiculous" ridiculous. Back to the matter at hand though, In-N-Out is the best. Any person who has spent 6 weeks in New York for a summer internship might bring up Shake Shack as a contendor. Let me say this, no. You lived in New York for a short stint so you think you need to be as hipster and cynical as the rest of them out there and you fight back at simple truths. Simple truth = In-N-Out has the best cheeseburger known to man. >_< = face of New York summer intern fighting back.
These are my thoughts as of right now. Some of you might be thinking, "Hey! Aren't you at work? Shouldn't you be doing some actual work?" To you, mom, I say this is part of my work. Alright, my mom didn't say that. In fact, I am pretty sure that she isn't even aware of what a blog really is or that I have one. The great thing about being a copywriter at an advertising agency is they encourage anything that helps get our creative juices flowing. So if a funny YouTube video or sitting outside under the shade of a tree gets me creative, right on!
Final thoughts: Enjoy the 4th of July next week! It might be the best holiday of the whole year, I'm not sure, I'll have to think about that. I think I will spend it eating great food. Nope, I know I will be spending it eating great food. I think that is all for today. I just thought, "Man, I really need to end this blog post. Anyone who just read all of that probably hates me. Please don't hate me. I NEED TO BE LIKED!" Ok, bye.
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